Thursday 31 May 2012

Kin La Belle

I was talking to my friends and they are all going to be in Kinshasa, while I am stuck here in Canada. Not that it is a bad thing, but I honestly would rather be in Kinshasa right now. I mean I really don't like it that much here. The people are very nice here, just like back home. When I tell people that I come from Africa. They always imagine things like war zones, poor countries, slums, mud houses. There is some truth to that, but they are fixing the roads now, there is still poverty and there is still slums, the mud houses are mostly found in the interior regions. Now there is buildings, lounges, and I heard that there is going to be a few malls opening up soon. So I am really looking forward to going back home!

A picture of the beautiful city (Kin La Belle) 

This picture shows that Kinshasa is developing, it will take a long time for it to get to a better position, but hopefully someday it will get there! 

Thursday 24 May 2012


I lived in DRCongo for 17 years. When I came here in December the cold was unbearable, I always kept looking for a place to hide. I was so used to the heat that the snow was just not working for me. Anyways, when I came to Canada it was a huge change for me. There was no longer a driver to drive me around, no more cooks to do the cooking for me and no one to do my dishes and my laundry. I had to do all of this by myself. The first few weeks were the most horrible weeks of my life. I felt terribly homesick and depressed, but I got used to it. I still miss it home every now and then. The noisy streets, the traffic jams that you get stuck in for hours and hours without moving, but most of all the heat and the food! Oh I miss the congolese food so much. I mean places like subway and KFC are delicious but eventually you do get tired of them. Then you start craving for the food you used to get at home and how it used to fill your stomach up! I remember eating fufu and fish sauce, it was one of my favourite cuisine. Fufu is a staple food in several african countries. . "It is made by boiling starchy vegetables like cassava, yams or plaintains and then pounding them into a dough-like consistency"1. It is extremely delicious. Well, that's all i have to say today.
Fufu with fish sauce. 

Thursday 17 May 2012


In our school, we discussed stereotypes people have about African countries, some of things we heard were funny, the others got a us slightly angry. Like there is people out there that still think Africa is a country when Africa is a continent with more than 50 countries. When my cousin first went to college he got asked the silliest questions like:
"Do you see Tarzan in your backyard."
"Do you go to school on elephants."
"Do you live in huts."
We never see Tarzan in our backyard, we go to school in cars and we live in houses made of concrete. It is amazing. If you go into the interior of the country where I grew up in you might be able to see people living in huts, but you won't see elephants or Tarzan. Growing up in the Congo has taught me several things and maybe taught me how to live a different lifestyle, where you always expect the unexpected. My blog is a way of telling stories and just a way of letting you guys know that D.R.Congo may sometimes be a dangerous place but it a really beautiful place to live.  For people that don't know where to locate Congo on the map, It is in the continent of Africa, it is right on  the equator and is surrounded by 9 different countries a couple of them being Central African Republic, Angola, and Tanzania!