Thursday 7 June 2012

Sleepover and Gunshots

D.R.Congo is a great place, sometimes it can be dangerous and even scary. Now I know a couple days ago  I was saying Congo is a nice place and all these other good things about the country, they are true Congo is a beautiful country. It may not be peaceful but every place has it's flaws right?! Congo's is that you can never trust what is going to happen, things just randomly happen there, but there is reasons for them. This blog post I am just going to tell you a story about sleeping over at school which was in 2007 I don't remember the date but I do remember the details of the "four day war that rocked the Congo." because it was not only the best 3 days I spent at school, but the craziest and scariest three days of my life. Living, in the Congo I was pretty accustomed to gunshots are random moments, people screaming on the streets...but every time the situation got slightly horrible, we would flee the country. This time we didn't even know what was happening. We were sitting in class, when the alarms went off. We all rushed to our homerooms thinking, it would be over soon, no big deal...these things always happen, but that isn't the way it was this time. All the student's whose parent's worked in embassy or other governmental organizations were quickly escorted back home. The rest of the school who didn't have such kind of luxury were stuck on campus. There were houses on campus so the people left over were divided into groups and sent to each of the houses. I was with a several sophomores and juniors. We ended up staying dancing and sitting on the porch and sipping on coffee while listening to the gunshots.  Although it was frightening, eventually we all got used to the sounds and they became the most memorable moments of our lives.
The wall of one of the building with the flags of the countries represented  in TASOK (The American School of Kinshasa) 

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